Unfortunately, I honestly cannot say that I am the most consistent person when it comes to church attendance, but I am always striving to find fellowship with other Christians. When...
How to Attend Church while Constantly Traveling

Unfortunately, I honestly cannot say that I am the most consistent person when it comes to church attendance, but I am always striving to find fellowship with other Christians. When...
Traveling in an RV, sitting for long periods in a truck and stopping at gas stations and fast food joints, can easily make you lazy, eat terribly, and suddenly you...
In the fall of 2014, I was given the incredible opportunity to try-out for a position in the Army that was like a dream come true for me. The Army...
One of my escapes from work was planning months in advance for a vacation with my stepkids. I always wanted to do everything with them and that could get very...
When I married my husband, I became more than just a wife; I became a stepmom to three wonderful kids. For me, the experience has been a roll coaster of...
When we first got our camper, it was the beginning of February and we were in northern Georgia in the Appalachian at R-Ranch in the Mountains Resort. Snow was coming...
Through my journey over the last three years as a full-time RVer, my biggest mistake came within the first three months on our first vacation. I don’t really blame myself...
I have made a lot of tough decisions in my life, but one of the hardest decisions I have ever made was getting out of the Army after eight years...
I have had many trials and tribulations in my life, but none have been as painful as what I have experienced as a stepmom. Yep you heard that right, it’s...
I believe the biggest fear people have about transitioning to full-time RV life is the problem of minimizing or downsizing. I think we all can agree that as Americans, we have...